Are you tired of hearing the words "self care" Or reading about wellness, while feeling so guilty that by the end of the day you don't feel like you have any time or energy for yourself? Or even feeling guilty...
May is Maternal Mental Health Month — giving us all an opportunity to pause and reflect on the mental and emotional health of moms and moms-to-be. At Allegheny Health Network, we are devoted to caring for women — all of...
                One of the biggest challenges of being a stay-at-home mom doesn’t involve my children at all. It doesn’t even involve being a mom. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Since leaving my full-time writing job two and a...
I have a tiny secret.Butternut squash used to intimidate me. The elusive shape and many articles on health benefits had me admiring from afar.  Here's why- squash and root veggies can be hard to cut! Hard enough that I'm still...
I haven't written in a few months.  Its hard to even focus long enough for this short piece.  I was on a roll feeling good and then Covid-19 changed everything. I am lucky because I can still work from...
I have always heard "the first step is admission" to trying to change a behavior or character trait, so here goes…. I admit I have a hard time saying "no" to other people regardless of the situation. I think it truly is...
It’s hard enough being a teen - having a smile you’re not proud of makes it even harder. Many teens’ self-esteem is tied to what they look like on the outside. As much as we try to tell them it’s...
February is American Heart Month, and cardiovascular disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States. Having been a cardiology nurse, I’m well aware of the risks. One of the most rewarding parts of my job...
Over the past 4 weeks I've shared information on how to cultivate a self love mindset, which really is a fancy way of saying take care of yourself, more importantly on being aware of what that means. From clean...
Hi there, I see you are tired, exhausted. We don't say it out loud much or we pretend we are not tired because that is to be expected. If we complain we might offend someone and if we act like...

In + Around Pittsburgh