Some women have their business prior to kids. Or, in my case, having my daughter sparked the desire to become my own boss. Being a Mompreneur means trading in the ability to unplug after your 9-5 to working when...
About a month ago I came across these pictures from my honeymoon, and I thought to myself ... "Oh my word, when did I put on so much weight?"   Almost 9 years ago, Ron and I were sitting on a...
I was diagnosed when I was two years old. Technology at that time was nowhere near what it is today. Blood Sugars were recorded on a monthly chart, day by day, hour by hour. On average, people with Type...
Is your household still adjusting to getting back on a schedule after summer break? Or even starting a school schedule if this is your child/children’s first year in school? I know about two weeks ago we had a proverbial “oh...
In my last post I touched based on self care with self awareness. It's very imperative to take care of yourself even if you aren't a new or expecting mom. Not only is it good for you, it's great for...
A year and a half ago, during the early days of the pandemic, my level of fitness was at an all-time high.  I was home all day, every day.  I was newly working from home, and the eliminated commute...
AHN Staff Highly Skilled at Performing Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Dr. David A. Logan remembers the patient well. Jane was one week from delivering her baby. And she had just learned that the obstetrician overseeing her pregnancy had resigned...
Springtime means a lot of things – one of them being fresh produce and flowers, from the local Farmers Markets. A great thing about Pittsburgh is there are so many opportunities to still buy local. Between the pop-up farmer’s in...
While the month of December brings some of my favorite things, it can also bring on a lot of stress and anxiety. Even though this time of year is filled with holiday cheer, festive happenings, and the magic of the...
**WARNING: There are graphic pictures attached to this article to show my progression and recovery with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.** So, as the story goes when things are going too smoothly you should be waiting for the other shoe to...

In + Around Pittsburgh