When I was 17 years old, I watched Bill Clinton become inaugurated into the office of the President of the United States. It was at his inauguration ceremony that I first heard the voice and the writings of Dr....
Do not fall into the toxic positivity trap. It is so easy to do, especially, with social media showing us a constant stream of "perfect, smiling families on fun, fabulous family adventures." Or, living in "perfectly decorated, clean, homes,...
The one thing that we can always count on as a mother is change. Whether you are talking about a toddler who yesterday wanted their toast cut into rectangles but today only eats triangle toast. A child that fit...
Potty training: the toddler rite of passage. For parents, we envision the other side with positives like cute underwear and saving money not buying diapers. But we also dread the thought of training our littles to go on the...
Birthday parties are a great way to celebrate you child's birthday.  However, it is not the only option!  Here are 10 ways to make your child's birthday fun and memorable other than having a birthday party: Amusement Park.  What...
Dear Son, You'll probably hear this from me again and again throughout the years, but I cannot believe how fast time is going. It doesn't even seem possible that you are a year old. I often feel like we missed...
Indicators of popularity are always tricky when your kids are young. Honestly they shouldn’t matter at all. Is your kid happy? Does your kid have some friends? Then cool, we are golden. However, there are some things that are a...
Sadly, cold and flu season is upon us. While I don't think we can avoid sickness completely, (especially with young children in the house) I do believe in trying to boost our immune systems and general health. We do...
Raise your hand (not really, 'cause I can't see it) if you had snowsuits and sleds ready for your kids last year and were disappointed that we barely got any snow! Me! Whether we get more snow this year or...
One of my main goals as a mother is to raise children who are kind, loving, compassionate and generous. I want my children to know that even though we may not have as much as others, we still have...