Hi there, I see you are tired, exhausted. We don't say it out loud much or we pretend we are not tired because that is to be expected. If we complain we might offend someone and if we act like...
This past year has been quite an interesting year. With all the highs and lows, we are blessed for another year around the calendar. I've been enjoying a social media hiatus, giving me a lot of time to reflect...
As a mom it's a little too easy to put our self care at the end of our to do list when we see everything else we need to do. It's also easy to forget that there is a...
Sun safety is a big deal in my family. My son has skin grafts on both of his arms, and my wife has had more suspicious moles removed from her body than I can count, so to say that...
My husband and I don’t remember what it’s like to have free time.  Prior to 2014, we were the type of couple that would take off for a hike at McConnell’s Mills on a whim, or would decide on...
It’s humbling to admit life is not working the way you want it and things need to change. We are moms. We want to be able to do it all. We want everyone to like us. We want everything to...
When I first found out I was pregnant, I was pretty naïve to most things pregnancy-related, but I thought I was prepared for what the basic symptoms would be like. Food cravings and aversions. Nausea. Fatigue (though not the...
I have always heard "the first step is admission" to trying to change a behavior or character trait, so here goes…. I admit I have a hard time saying "no" to other people regardless of the situation. I think it truly is...
I have only known I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) for a few years, but I happened to stumble across this older blog post I wrote to family and friends as my husband and I, after trying to conceive...
Back to school time is a busy time for parents. There is always lots to do to get kids ready to return to the classroom—new clothes, supplies, and the rigors of getting back on a schedule of getting ready...

In + Around Pittsburgh