If you thought this post was about some apple cider vinegar cleanse or a special workout plan, sorry to disappoint. But if you still want to learn how to not only feel less stressed and anxious, improve your focus,...
Every 68 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer's disease.  Alzheimer's is known as a family disease because the stress of watching a family member  slowly decline affects everyone. Everyone responds to its effects differently.... Did you know that Alzheimer's disease is the sixth-leading...
While the month of December brings some of my favorite things, it can also bring on a lot of stress and anxiety. Even though this time of year is filled with holiday cheer, festive happenings, and the magic of the...
2020 has been quite a year. From shut downs to permanent changes in school and work for months on end it has us looking at life differently. Holidays and traditions changed at the blink of an eye. Those kinds...
My how fast things change, one day we’re doing the Monday - Friday shuffle between work and school. Now, many of us are homeschooling and home from work due to the quarantine from COVID19. While this huge shift in...
The other night, I laid in bed wide awake, thinking of ALL.THE.THINGS I needed to do for the next week: Clean the house for the in-laws visiting Pack for myself and the kids for our beach vacation Reschedule some...
November is National Healthy Skin Month and it’s the perfect time of the year to take a moment to reevaluate your skincare routine. Winter weather and drying indoor heat can cause anyone to have a bad skin day. What...
Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I love my son. They will also tell you that he is my #1 priority in this world. He and my husband share a seat at the top of...
Summer Solstice has passed, marking the start of our summer and bringing light to the first half of the year. It’s hard to believe it’s July already. School’s out, family vacations are underway and I am so excited. Summer...
As moms, we’re asked to assume a lot of different jobs to care for our kids. We’re expected to be expert nurses, chauffeurs, cooks, and cleaners. One job that most of us cannot do on our own is dentistry....

In + Around Pittsburgh