We all know that having beautiful carpets in our homes day in and day out is impossible with kids and pets. We run the vacuum daily trying to ignore the stains that keep popping up from dirty shoes, wine...
Our littles ones have such sweet smiles, but be warned, parents: even baby teeth need special care and attention! How can you stop cavities in their tracks to keep your child smiling as they grow? Today Dr. Mauro from...
Self love is this weeks intention for our New Year New Mindset series. And hopefully a new life long intention for you. Being a mother is one of the most selfless jobs on the planet. While this is beautiful,...
We're in the peak of cold and flu season, and it's one of the worst flu seasons ever. We know how difficult it is for a parent to see their child sick and want to do whatever they can,...
Hands up if you, too, fell victim to the Quarantine 15! Not sure what I’m talking about? It’s the little catchphrase coined after the Freshman 15 that makes gaining weight in a short amount of time sound fun and...
    As a homeowner, there are several things that you’re told you should do to maintain your home but let’s face it who has time for everything. Because three out of five of my family members suffer some form...
“Heather, do you mind if I rub your belly?” In an instant, I traveled back in time six years, when I was pregnant with my youngest son and tolerating the passers-by in a random place like the grocery store, which...
I see this a lot.  Women say that they are unmotivated or they just don't have the energy to get it done. I understand and resonated completely with this statement before I began my spiritual journey to reconnecting with myself. One...
I have a tiny secret.Butternut squash used to intimidate me. The elusive shape and many articles on health benefits had me admiring from afar.  Here's why- squash and root veggies can be hard to cut! Hard enough that I'm still...
2020, what a doozy.From surviving and trying to hold it together, we all experienced some sort of shift in our lives.I felt disconnected with myself despite having been inside for the past 6 plus months. What was a celebration...

In + Around Pittsburgh