You've probably heard the saying, "All good things must come to an end." Well, this is certainly true with pacifiers. They really are great little tools for helping a child soothe and sometimes even sleep. However, they can also...
Summer is weeks away and you know what that means...Warmer weather = less clothes Less clothes can leave us feeling vulnerable. Media always showing us flat bellies and no back rolls, stirring up insecurities about how we look in our summer...
     Schooooooool's out for Summer! And now you think to yourself "OH NO!--WHAT ARE WE GOING TO FILL OUR TIME WITH!?"       No worries! I've got you covered with this At-Home summer bucket list, ideas for kids of...
If you’re anything like me, laundry is something you feel like you can never get ahead of. I start the week feeling like I can tackle the laundry but either don’t make it back downstairs, run out of detergent,...
Mother's Day 2022 has snuck up on all of us and is here! Being a mom of 7 kids, I probably speak for many moms when I say what most of us want for Mother's Day is a clean...
Spring has officially arrived here in Pittsburgh! (If there's more snow in the forecast, please let me remain blissfully unaware.) I was reminding all of my clients over the beautiful weekend to get their kids out into the sunshine....
Turning 30 feels refreshing. It's a blank slate with all the wisdom you've amassed.I love to reflect before each of my birthdays and this year I've come up a list of 30 things I've learned . It's great for...
Spring has finally arrived and with it, COLOR! You may have noticed lately that many styles and trends from the 80's and 90's have made a comeback. Well, it's no different for makeup looks right now and makeup is...
It happened again this week. Several times, in fact. I’m a professor at a well-known local university, and my office is located directly across from the elevators. Because I maintain a literal “open-door” policy for my students, visitors often mistake me for...
As we all know, "the world shut down" on March 13, 2020. Many people have a lot of complaints over the past two years. I'm not here to say those people are wrong--but I would like to say what...

In + Around Pittsburgh