“Charlotte is 23 ½ months old.” “Jackie was a natural birth, but Stevie was a C-Section.” “She just loves grape jelly, but won’t eat grapes. So weird!” To anyone who has attended story time at the library or “Mommy and Me” anything,...
I have to admit I have been truly blessed to grow up here in Pittsburgh and have been able to come to know so many amazing history makers. Two of those men were Dr. Robert Kisner and Dr. Morris...
A year and a half ago, during the early days of the pandemic, my level of fitness was at an all-time high.  I was home all day, every day.  I was newly working from home, and the eliminated commute...
Being a mom is hard.  Not like "training for the Pittsburgh marathon hard", but "having someone depend on you day and night for the rest of your life" hard.  I always wanted to be a mother. I remember at...
Physical Therapy is a well-known rehabilitation service that is often prescribed for children with common conditions such as developmental delays, gross motor skill deficits, toe walking, neurological disorders (cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, etc.), torticollis, genetic conditions (down syndrome,...
Balancing the needs of mom and baby When Gevony’s appendix ruptured, cancer cells spilled out into the thin sheet of nearby tissue (the peritoneum). Additional treatments would be needed to make sure the cancer didn’t spread. But Gevony’s care team,...
"It's a full moon, you know what that means." Have you heard that before? Or experienced it? It has some backing to it as the moon has some play in how the atmosphere effects us. You can use this to...
AHN Staff Highly Skilled at Performing Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Dr. David A. Logan remembers the patient well. Jane was one week from delivering her baby. And she had just learned that the obstetrician overseeing her pregnancy had resigned...
When the news broke in 2014 about evaluated lead levels in Flint, Michigan’s water, I, like many parents, was outraged. Thousands of residents had drank polluted Flint River water for 18 months before the disaster was even recognized. Many...
We're in the peak of cold and flu season, and it's one of the worst flu seasons ever. We know how difficult it is for a parent to see their child sick and want to do whatever they can,...

In + Around Pittsburgh