Anny Bezilla

Anny Bezilla
Anny is a mommy to two beautiful girls. Sofia is 7 and Olivia is 3 years old. Anny was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to New Jersey with her family when she was 5. She is bilingual and is fluent in Spanish. She has been a Jersey girl most of her life until six years ago when she moved with her husband to Pittsburgh, where he’s originally from. Anny has a career in Recruiting/Human Resources and is currently working as a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist. Anny strives to find a good work life balance while having two little ones. Anny loves living in Pittsburgh and exploring the city’s Latin culture. She also loves to write and blogging has always been something she has wanted to do! For good laughs, follow Anny’s funny FB page at hotmessmomanny and on Instagram at hotmessmom where she provides comic relief to us moms that are just trying to get through life.

Places To Run In Pittsburgh

Moms, I know it is so hard to stop taking care of everyone else in our household and focus on our own well being. Putting our health at the forefront means that we will be...

The Hot Mess Mom’s Guide To Farmer’s Markets!

Spring is here and I can already smell the bugs starting to wake up and getting ready to terrorize us all. Fresh air means we can finally (hopefully) shake off all these viruses and...

The Hot Mess Mom’s Guide to Valentine’s Day Parties

The day of love and friendship is right around the corner!  You can just smell all things pink and red, taste all the chocolate and visualize throwing out all the little plastic things your...

The Hot Mess Mom’s Guide to Last Minute Holiday Shopping!

Hi there, busy momma! If you are anything like me, you are just realizing that there are still a few (if not all) things left on that holiday list to shop for! Whatever you do,...

To The Exhausted Mom, I See You.

Hi there, I see you are tired, exhausted. We don't say it out loud much or we pretend we are not tired because that is to be expected. If we complain we might offend someone...

Why I Am Done Having Kids After 2!

I am a proud mom of two daughters, a 2 year old and a 6 year old AND.I.AM.SO.DONE.HAVING.KIDS.  People ask us all the time if we want another baby, if we really want to try for...

A Yes Day For Your Child- Yay Or Nay?

Summer is ending, school is right around the corner and we have had a great summer! My husband and I decided to celebrate our six year old daughter's good behavior and new milestone of...

To My Husband: Life Will Not Always Be This Hectic

Dear Husband, I miss you, I miss US. Remember when it was just you and I? Remember when we had no kids taking up all of our time for what it seems like 24/7? I...

Run, Dont Walk! Call Sears Carpet Cleaning Today!

We all know that having beautiful carpets in our homes day in and day out is impossible with kids and pets. We run the vacuum daily trying to ignore the stains that keep popping...

To The Mom Coping with Anxiety

I see you. I see you running the never ending to do list in your head, and your stomach twisting into a pit because you don't know where to even begin. I see you trying to...