If I told you that your child could learn to ride their bicycle without training wheels in three 1-hour sessions, you would probably roll your eyes at me or snicker in disbelief.  Trust me, I know, I did the...
I shouldn't say that my child won't ever go on a field trip. Because this is an exaggeration. But I will be honest in saying I wasn't prepared for the apprehensions I felt upon receiving an invite for my...
I’m currently training for marathon #4 and before the start of training, my husband and I bought a double jogger so that I could run with my kiddos. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with...
Swim lessons are sometimes thought of as an extra activity for your kids to do like soccer or dance lessons, but the truth is that swim lessons can help save the life of a child. Most of us don’t...
When you become a parent there are several terms that make you want to run for the hills in utter terror. Strep throat. Chicken Pox. Stomach Virus.  Flu.  Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.  But there's one more term that...
Reading with your child is one of life’s most precious gifts. Whether you’re cuddled up on the couch, snuggled up in bed, or spending quality time at the local library, books have an amazing way of taking you and your children to far away places, warming your heart and...
Burn Out. It happens at our jobs, it happens in relationships, and YES... it happens as a parent. Don't feel bad! It's an occupational hazard we all face repeatedly throughout the two hundred and twenty-five months we are obligated to...
It was a snowy December night, and my water broke.  I just went to the doctors that morning, I was one centimeter dilated.  I thought I had 3 more weeks until you came, but you had different plans.  My...
Infertility has its own language--one in eight women know it all too well. The world of IVF, IUI, and FET, all shorthand for different fertility procedures, is complicated. And while the causes of infertility are varied, the heartache of...

In + Around Pittsburgh