It feels like all of my family and friends have asked me the same question over the last few months. Is Riley going to preschool in the fall? The short answer is no, she's not. But the more people who ask me,...
You've probably heard the saying, "All good things must come to an end." Well, this is certainly true with pacifiers. They really are great little tools for helping a child soothe and sometimes even sleep. However, they can also...
Once you get passed the “I’m so tired I feel like a zombie stage” some babies start to give you longer stretches at night.  You might see these stretches take shape around 10-14 weeks of age.  This may look...
To that new gray hair, I see you there Replacing the brown in plain view. You’re not misplaced, but I must say I’m not at all thrilled to see you. You see, I’m not quite 35 So I thought I had time. But the aging,...
Who has 2 thumbs and has a toddler that doesn’t nap?!  This mom!!!  I had a pretty much picture-perfect routine for my 2.5-year-old.  Up at 8am, nap from 1-3, bed at 8pm.  Who wouldn’t want that schedule?  Well than...
“I can do it myself!” That quote pretty much sums up nanny life when your child turns three. The attitude reaches new levels of rage and pitch. Let me tell you, the shriek of a toddler is eardrum shattering....
T.O.T.S! MOMMY T.O.T.S!  Does this or any other annoying kid show sound familiar to you?  Because at my house before bed this is my life.  Imagine this:  You just put your 4-month-old to bed at 7 pm.  You are...
Christmas is the best time of the year at my house.  I love to go Black Friday shopping, decorating the house, baking cookies, going to Overly’s Country Christmas to look at lights, having drinks with friends, and wonderful family...

In + Around Pittsburgh