Carmen Pfeiffer

Carmen Pfeiffer
Carmen Pfeiffer is a registered nurse with a background in Exercise Science who enjoys finding new activities and places in and around Pittsburgh for kids to enjoy. Carmen was born and raised in Honduras, came to the US for college when she was 18 (where she met her husband), and currently resides in McDonald,PA with her 2 kids, Emilia age 2 , Matias age 1 and their 7 year old dog who is a Viszla named Diego. She can often be spotted reading multiple books at a time, doing yoga, eating anything with chocolate, trying different teas and spending time outside. She enjoys meeting other moms and sharing stories and tips.

Indoor Play Time Activities For Kids

What can we do when we have exhausted our options in the playroom and the temperature is single digits or too wet outside? Here are my Top 5 Indoor Play Areas in Pittsburgh! My two...