Guide To Preschools, Childcare, and Schools in Pittsburgh

We know how important choosing the right school for your little one is. With registrations and enrollments starting early, we’ve curated a list of our favorite schools throughout Pittsburgh.

At Agora Cyber Charter School, learning is flexible, engaging, and designed to fit your family’s

unique needs.

With Pennsylvania-certified teachers providing real-time virtual instruction, your

child will receive the individualized support they need, wherever they are.

Here’s how the online

learning model works:

Flexible Learning Environment: Students can learn from the comfort of their home or any

location, making it easier to balance academic commitments with extracurricular

activities or family needs.

Personalized Curriculum: Each student follows a curriculum tailored to their individual

strengths and areas for growth. Whether your child needs additional support or

advanced courses, Agora adjusts the experience to meet their learning goals.

Engagement and Accountability: Real-time virtual lessons and daily engagement with

teachers ensure that your child stays on track, motivated, and ready to succeed.

Empower your students future

Accessible and Accredited: Agora’s programs are NCAA-approved and designed to

prepare students for post-secondary success, whether they pursue college or career


No Cost for Families: Just like other public schools, Agora is funded by Pennsylvania

taxpayers, ensuring every child has access to high-quality education without financial


A Focus on Wellness: Agora emphasizes the importance of student well-being with a

learner-centered approach that supports academic success while fostering a healthy,

balanced lifestyle.

Visit their website here to sign up for a virtual open house!


Christmas Tree Farms