We say this all the time, right? 'You can be anything you want to be.' Lately, we say it as we’re watching the football game from our living room. Our kids scream ‘Defense! Defense! Defense!’ and practice ‘Down, Set,...
Sadly, cold and flu season is upon us. While I don't think we can avoid sickness completely, (especially with young children in the house) I do believe in trying to boost our immune systems and general health. We do...
Raise your hand (not really, 'cause I can't see it) if you had snowsuits and sleds ready for your kids last year and were disappointed that we barely got any snow! Me! Whether we get more snow this year or...
When I was 17 years old, I watched Bill Clinton become inaugurated into the office of the President of the United States. It was at his inauguration ceremony that I first heard the voice and the writings of Dr....
It's pretty likely that you've heard of the 1,000 Hours Outside challenge. In case not, let me give you a little summary. The challenge is based on the book 1,000 Hours Outside- Prioritize Nature, Reclaim Childhood and Experience A Fuller...

In + Around Pittsburgh