Looking back on my childhood I have no memories of cooking in the kitchen.  I just remember that like magic a meal appeared on the table every evening.  But when I moved out of the house as a young...
A few years ago, I started my food journey to conscious eating. I was a 'just eat it and don't worry about it' kinda gal. I knew that certain foods were bad for me but I did not want to...
When we first moved to Pittsburgh from Phoenix I was hesitant if we would find the same enjoyment in the outdoors as we did. At anytime of year there are ways to be active in Arizona, and I hoped that...
  Try this quick and easy skillet meal idea! #WeArePMB #PittsburghMomsBlog #RecipeBox
Here's to the super heroes that walk our Earth everyday. From the late night bottles to well-deserved cuddles. Diaper blows outs and sticky kisses, the sleepless days and endless nights of mommy-hood. We mommies have been kicking but since...
Single mothers don't just rock... they rock AND they roll! Single mothers bear a special load. They play dual rolls, they learn to be magicians, acrobats, jugglers, lion tamers and tight rope walkers all within this 3-ring circus we call...
It's safe to say we all, conciously or subconsiously, have thought about or are continually forward-looking to the "next thing". We want the pieces to fit nicely together. It gives a sense of accomplishment and yet gives us a...
We either have a child like this or have seen one in public... here's the scene... it's an unusually chilly Spring day in Pittsburgh and you are shivering in your hoodie at the park with your kids when you...
Spring is here! Yay!  The snow is thawed and the birds are chirping.  This is a great time to jump start the season with positive vibes that hopefully last throughout the year.  Here are 3 things I love to...
Have you read the book, Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You by Sam Gosling? If not, it describes how a person’s possessions and how they arrange them can tell us more about that person’s character than intimate conversations....

In + Around Pittsburgh