The Pittsburgh Moms

The Pittsburgh Moms
Pittsburgh Moms is written by and for moms who live in the Pittsburgh Area. We strive to connect local moms by sharing personal experiences, fun ideas and useful information as well as promoting local businesses. Our community begins online, but doesn't stop there!

A Guide to Finding Your Christmas Tree

‘Tis the season to get all cozied up next to the fire with the whole family, drinking some hot cocoa and sitting under a beautifully lit Christmas Tree.  Lucky for us, Pittsburgh gives us...

Your vote (sort of) matters

I was sitting in a graduate seminar on Political Behavior when I first encountered the mathematical equation that showed me just how very little my vote mattered. I’ve long forgotten all of the variables,...

Big Savings at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet | New Location in Monroeville {Giveaway}

Bargain Lovers, Rejoice! Ollie's Races into Monroeville with NASCAR Cup Driver Kasey Kahne for Store Grand Opening!  As a family of five and mom of three young children, I am always looking for the best...

Not All Ants Are Boys

My spouse and I were flying to Pittsburgh for our baby shower when a TSA agent cheerfully asked me, “How’re you doing today, sir?” I laughed, said, “I’m fine,” and requested to be screened...

Recap | Bloom: An Event for New and Expectant Mothers

When I had my first child in 1996, I was a young, single mom. I knew nothing of the world I lived in, let alone what it took to be not just a mother,...

A gay mom’s wish list

A lot of people have asked me how we celebrate Mothers' Day in our two-mom family. Who gets who a card? Who sleeps in and who makes breakfast? Over the past two years, our...

Millybutton: By Moms, For Moms | Giveaway

Facebook GIVEAWAY details at the bottom of this post You’re at work, and it’s time to pump. Your professional attire or uniform is awkward to manage. Your first thought is to tuck your shirt under your...

Your guide to getting outside this Spring

Ah, spring! That glorious time of year when the birds start singing again, trees and flowers begin to bloom and blossom, and we somehow save daylight by losing an hour of sleep and throwing...

Bloom: An Event for New and Expectant Moms in Pittsburgh

Who :: This event is geared towards Pittsburgh area moms who are currently expecting a baby, had a baby within the last year, foster moms of infants, or moms who are planning on growing their...

Why (and how) we sleep trained our kiddo

The best parenting advice I never asked for was “don’t make yourself crazy.” It applies to basically everything, but I find it particularly helpful when talking to people about sleep training. The phrase itself...